Flute Duets
FD-001 John Philip Sousa March Collection
Includes the following:
1. Semper Fidelis 2. The Thunderer 3. The Washington
4. The Liberty Bell 5. El Capitan 6. The Fairest
of the Fair
Grade 3 - $14.95
Featuring a custume design page folding system that
allows all six of the three page duets to fold out flat. There are no page
turns in the middle of any duet. This is truly a unique and welcomed concept.
Great for teaching marches! All arrangements are held close to the original
FD-002 International Christmas Duets
Includes the following:
- 1. Cantique De Noel (O Holy Night) - France
- 2. Away In The Manger - United States
- 3. The Birthday of a King - United States
- 4. We Three Kings of Orient Are - United States
- 5. Da Droben vom Berge (Above, on the Mountain)
- Austria
- 6. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks -
- 7. What Child Is This? (Greensleeves) - England
- 8. Coventry Carol - England
- 9. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - Germany
- 10. Det Kimer Nu Til Julefest (The Happy Christmas
Comes Once More) - Denmark
- 11. Canzon d'i Zampognari (Carol of the Bagpipers)
- Italy
- 12. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - Italy
- 13. Fum, Fum, Fum (Foom, Foom, Foom) - Spain
- 14. La Posadas (thou Art Well Content) - Spain
- 15. Jeg Er Saa Glad Hver Juledvard (I Am So
Glad On Christmas Eve) - Norway
Grade 3 - $9.95
FD-003 Sacred Duet Collection
Includes the following:
- 1. All Glory, Laud, and Honor
- 2. Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven
- 3. Come, Ye Thankful People Come
- 4. This Is My Father's World
- 5. From Ill Do Thou Defend Me (J.S. Bach)
- 6. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
- 7. Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
- 8. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
- Listen to the music: Recorded by Crafty Bard
- https://youtu.be/Christ
The Lord Is Risen Today
- 9. Holy, Holy, Holy
- 10. Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
- 11. Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart
Grade 3 - $9.95
FD-004 Golden Classic Duets
Includes the following:
- 1. Ode To Joy (Ludwig van Beethoven - In a
fanfare style)
- 2. The Water Is Wide
- 3. Shenandoah
- 4. Sheep May Safely Graze (Johann Sebastian
- 5. Melody In F (Anton Rubinstein)
- 6. Simple Gifts
- 7. Water Music (Allegro) - George Frideric
- 8. Water Music (Minuet) - George Frideric
- 9. Water Music (Air) - George Frideric Handel)
- 10. Water Music (Hornpipe) - George Frideric
- 11. Water Music (Allegro Maestoso) - George
Frideric Handel)
Many of these arrangements have been adapted from some
of our most popular quartets and flute choir publications. The book makes
use of our specially designed triple page fold out sheets to avoid page
turns. This collection will become one of your favorites. Highly recommended!
Grade 2 - 3.5 - $14.95
FD-005 Three Viennese Waltzes
Includes the following:
- 1. Blue Danuble Waltz by Johann Strauss
- 2. Emperor Waltz by Johann Strauss
- 3. Gold and Silver Waltz by Franz Lehar
These waltzes are ideal for flutists doing performances
and great to use with students. The Viennese tunes are very melodic, recognizable,
enjoyable and fun to play. This collecvtion consists of three triple page
duets inserted separately into a folded cover. Very usuable!
Grade 2.5 - $13.95
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