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Lombardo Music Publications

Quality Musical Arrangements & Compositions


Ricky Lombardo

LMP Home Page

Welcome to our website! This site is going to be under construction permanently, but we will try to make it useful even as we are working on it.


Our catalogs are available and will be sent free of charge upon request to those not already on our mailing list. We are now using an updated new issue insert to our 2010 catalog. New catalogs are printed when there are enough additions to justify a printing, which is not every year. The website is updated as each new publication becomes available.

Lombardo Music Publications

We were founded in 1995 by Ricky Lombardo to provide the highest quality educational and professional materials for Instrumental Music educators. Our main emphasis through the years has been to establish a catalog of music for the flute from solo to full choirs. We are one of, if not the only small company, pursuing license agreements to publish titles protected by copyright. You will find several well-known works throughout our catalog.

LMP Electronic Newsletter

We now have an electronic LMP newsletter. This will keep you up to date on what is new and in the works. Our catalogs are mailed out once a year during the summer. If you would like to hear about any new publications as they become available or learn any current news concerning our company, send us your name and e-mail address and we will gladly add you to this electronic mailing list. Please keep us updated if an e-mail address changes.

E-mail us at: LMP@lombardomusic.com

Catalog - Order Form - News

New publications are listed under news and on the catalog instrumentation links at the bottom of each page.

Contact Us

Telephone: (609) 586-9245

24 Hour Fax: (609) 631-0465

E-mail: LMP@lombardomusic.com


Postal Address

Lombardo Music Publications

P.O. Box 3037

Trenton, NJ 08619


Catalog of Publications

Flute Alone

Flute & Piano

Piccolo Solos

Flute Duets

Flute Trios

Flute Trio or Quartet

Flute Quartets

Flute Choir

Flute Quartet or Quintet

Expandable Flute Choir